Attic Insulation, Brossard (Case)

Imagine a house in Brossard with efficient attic insulation, where the winter chill no longer sends shivers down your spine, and the summer heat is no longer stifling. This was the vision of our client, who experienced these extremes and sought the expertise of our attic inspection team to assess the attic insulation. We identified opportunities for improvement to enhance the attic insulation and help reduce energy consumption.

Attic Insulation Inspection:

Ventilation insulation attic cellulose, Brossard

Upon initial inspection, our inspector noticed a glaring lack of attic insulation, resulting in significant temperature variations. When randomly lifting insulation to verify the vapor barrier’s integrity, it was discovered that the bathroom fan was releasing moisture directly into the attic insulation, leading to mold growth. Fortunately, the mold was localized to this area, providing a stroke of luck for our Brossard homeowner, as it had not yet affected the roof, which could have had more severe consequences. As is often the case with attic insulation, a recurring issue was observed during our attic inspection: insulation covering soffits or open gable vents despite the presence of a roof vent. Unfortunately, many roofers neglect to inspect the attic during roof renovations, resulting in not optimal attic and roof ventilation.

Solution for Attic Insulation and Optimal Ventilation:

Insulation attic add cellulose, Brossard

Our attic insulation work began by clearing the soffits to optimize attic ventilation and installing deflectors to prevent future blockage by insulation. Following this, we removed the discolored insulation around the bathroom vent. We reinstalled a ventilation pipe to properly seal the vent, and reinforced the vapor barrier over the fan to prevent bathroom humidity from affecting the insulation again. Subsequently, we added a generous layer of insulation to the Brossard residence’s attic to ensure more consistent temperatures inside, regardless of the season.


By opting for our complete attic insulation solution, this Brossard residence will no longer fear upcoming heatwaves, or the cold spells imposed by our climate. Additionally, the homeowner was able to identify minor issues before they became major, preventing more costly repairs. Don’t let problems due to inadequate attic insulation escalate. Contact us today for a personalized consultation at 514-400-9946 or fill up the online form and request a free attic inspection. RenovA+, your partner for attic insulation, attic & roof ventilation, asbestos removal, and attic decontamination!

Attic Mold Removal, Longueuil Montreal Laval

Get a free estimate for your attic mold removal, your attic insulation or roof renovation project in Brossard:

☎ 514-400-9946

Attic Mold Removal Pricing, Longueuil Montreal Laval


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